For many, perhaps most, there is a reluctance to admit that you would like to be successful, then a cap on how much success you are willing to admit you'd like...we don't want to be "that guy" after all.
Or perhaps we just don't want to fail, or at least have anyone catch us failing.
On the surface I think it's very healthy to lean into humility, there really is no need to boast, we've all seen those posts and prefer to work with people with a little more humanity! Unfortunately that can easily slide into something more limiting.
One version I often heard myself say was, we "let things grow organically", whilst in reality I was working extremely hard to make connections, proactively taking every opportunity that came my way and creating for myself the opportunities that didn't...not exactly organic passive growth.
It could also pop out in a statement like, "I'm not expecting to take over the world", fair enough, though if that's true, "why are you working so hard?" and while we're at it, "why not you?".
I'm only really saying, if deep down you would like to grow and be successful, well good. We need people to succeed, that's how jobs are made and wages are paid.
It's really healthy to hold yourself accountable to your honest desires, keeps you motivated, helps you celebrate successes and helps you recognise when changes are needed.
So admit it, you want to do well, you want your business to succeed, you'd like to enjoy that success and you're willing to work hard to make that happen.
I think even the most self effacing Brit would reply, "fair enough, good luck to you."
So don't fall into pretending to be passive, take control, know what you want, plan and then work to get there. Check in regularly on progress, celebrate or tweak what you find and go again. You might just get what you've been quietly hoping for.
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I have been lucky enough to successfully buy, grow, mature, sell and exit my own business. I now use this experience to help other business owners on their journey.
Retained Advisor // Mentor or Coach // Strategy // Business Health Check